Director of Pastoral Liturgy

Diocese of Jefferson City

Job Description

Job title

Director of Pastoral Liturgy

Accountable to

Executive Director of Faith Formation

Job Purpose

The Director of Pastoral Liturgy assists the bishop with his responsibility for the liturgical life of the diocese by promoting the full, conscious and active participation of the whole assembly through proper planning of diocesan and episcopal liturgies, the formation of liturgical ministers, and by assisting with the proper implementation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

Duties and responsibilities


Ø Consistent with the vision and mission of the Diocese of Jefferson City, contributes to a positive and healthy work environment for the staff and the Center

Ø Serves as the Chair of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, which bears responsibility for advising the bishop on: diocesan liturgical policies; the renovation and building of churches; the planning of diocesan and episcopal liturgical celebrations; the formation of liturgical ministers; ensuring adherence to established liturgical norms to promote a meaningful and well-executed worship experience for the whole assembly; and advising the clergy and other church leadership on matters related to liturgy and the celebration of the sacraments

Ø Promotes the formation of all liturgical ministers throughout the diocese, including but not limited to: Acolytes/Altar Servers; Lectors/Readers; Liturgical Musicians; Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion; Sacristans; Ushers/Greeters, etc.

Ø Coordinates the planning of all liturgies and devotions celebrated by the bishop

Ø Works collaboratively with the Faith Formation Department for the implementation of the OCIA norms for the Catechumenate, the period of Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy

Ø Works collaboratively with the Bishop’s Master of Ceremonies and the Cathedral Music Director/Choir Director for the proper execution of diocesan liturgies for pastoral liturgy

Ø Create the annual chancery pastoral liturgy budget

Ø Remain familiar with current promulgations/developments/trends in liturgy at the diocesan and national levels

Ø Maintain working knowledge of liturgical documents

Ø Refer liturgical ministers to available training workshops and formational opportunities

Ø Work to foster unity among parish liturgical ministers to create a spirit of collaboration between them and the parish priest

Ø Supports and collaborates with the leadership of the different groups engaged in the celebration of baptism, penance, first communion, confirmation, marriage, the pastoral care of the sick, and funerals


Ø At least a Master of Arts in Liturgy, Sacramental Theology, Sacred Music, or related field  

Ø Must have a relational approach to problem solving

Ø Must be approachable and accessible to diocesan and parish staff

Ø At least 5 years’ experience

Ø Ability to motivate groups

Ø Effective communication and collaboration skills with lay people, religious, volunteers and staff members of varying ages and backgrounds

Ø Practicing Catholic with through knowledge and understand of the Catholic Church and Roman Catholic liturgy


Employee Classification

Ø Exempt

Ø Full-time

About Diocese of Jefferson City

The Diocese of Jefferson City is located in mid-Missouri. We have 90 parishes and 41 schools. This position is located at the chancery office and will assist the bishop with his responsibility for the liturgical life of the diocese by promoting the full, conscious and active participation of the whole assembly through proper planning of diocesan and episcopal liturgies.

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
Master's Degree

Date Posted
1 week ago
Jefferson City, Missouri


Church Size
5,000-10,000 people