The role of the Student Pastor is to be responsible to the church for planning, directing, conducting, evaluating and administering a comprehensive student ministry relevant to today’s student taking into consideration the spiritual, physical, recreational, and social development of student. Direct the programs of the student ministry to include but not limited to Small Groups, Wednesday Night Discipleship, Fellowships, and Leadership Training in cooperation with the Pastor. The Student Pastor is responsible to the Pastor and to the Personnel Committee.
Key Responsibilities and Duties:
Develop and maintain a ministry of discipleship for the students to accomplish the mission of the church: to know Jesus and make Him known. The Student Pastor will:
1. Relate the student to the overall life of the church and the church to the needs of its students. Lead students to recognize the call of God in their life relating to vocation. Strive to enlist the students in worship, Bible study, prayer, and other Christian exercise.
2. Conduct weekly services and/or ministry activities.
3. Foster, promote, and actively participate in student programs that provide spiritual growth and fellowship activities such as mission opportunities, camps, retreats, DNow weekends, and community services.
4. Establish a regular program of visitation for and with the students in cooperation with the overall church outreach program. Train students in outreach, discipleship and evangelism. Visit the middle school and high school campuses, have personal contact with students at school-approved times. Maintain one-to-one contact with individual students with an emphasis on reaching not just the student but the entire family.
5. Counsel students and/or their parents on issues relating to salvation, their overall spiritual life, college choice, vocation selection, life-mate, social and family relationships, be available to listen to and love our student.
6. Participate in associational, state, international and convention-sponsored student programs/ events or mission activities.
7. Encourage students to participate in other church programs, to include student choir, Sunday school, Discipleship Training and missions.
8. Provide recreational and fellowship activities for students to include regularly scheduled activities throughout the year
9. Implement changes in the student ministry as needed for organization, space use, equipment and furnishing needs, policies and procedures, materials, programs, curriculum, education methods after coordination with Student Department Leaders and the Pastor.
10. Enlist and train adult workers. Motivate, instruct, and coordinate the activities of adult workers. Ensure adult workers are trained to lead student to salvation and to nurture them in Christian development. Ensure adequate adult sponsors are present for all student programs and activities. Taking into account proper group practices to assure there is no chance of anyone being blamed for an inappropriate or questionable relationship.
11. Partner with the Pastor of Iglesia Avenida to integrate the youth from Iglesia Avenida into the youth group of the church.
12. Ensure student leaders and volunteers are in compliance with the church child protection policy.
13. Perform such other duties as are normally expected of a Minister of a Southern Baptist Church.
The Avenue Church exists to make Jesus known. We are one church in two languages with a burden to reach our community with the good news of Jesus Christ.