Job Description


The Living Word Church California, Missouri, is seeking a Bi-Vocational Pastor, with the intent to transition the position to a fulltime job at some indeterminate time in the future.  This position is ideal for a young man who is seeking to enter fulltime ministry, or a mature man who is seeking to enter fulltime ministry as a second career. Please email [email protected] for further information.

QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant shall be a committed Christian whose life will demonstrate the Biblical qualifications of an elder as outlined in I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-10, and I Peter 5:1-4. He is a mature follower of Christ who daily seeks to abide in Jesus. He is passionate about seeking the lost with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 4:5). His beliefs shall be consistent with the TLWC’s “What We Teach” statement. He must be ordained as a minister or seeking ordination as a minister of God’s Word.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: TLWC’s intent is to fill this position with a man who desires to assume the responsibilities of a fulltime pastor/elder. TLWC has three elders currently serving the church. Two of TLWC’s lay elders have extensive leadership and lay ministry experience, and one elder is an ordained SBC pastor with a doctorate degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and over 15 years in ministry experience. The elders share preaching responsibilities.

PROCESS: The selected applicant will work through the elder installation process with the standing TWLC elders with the intent of installation. Prior to installation, the applicant will serve the church in various administrative capacities. After the installation, the candidate will slowly assume the responsibilities of a lead pastor, who functions in communion with the lay elders.

IDEAL CANDIDATE: This job is ideal for a young man or a mature man who is seeking eventual fulltime employment as a pastor/elder, and who, would benefit greatly from experienced mentorship. The candidate will be slowly given responsibilities which include church administration, preaching, teaching, and developing evangelistic missions.

DUTIES: Initial duties will primarily be administrative, like an associate pastor. After installation as an elder, duties will transition into lead pastor responsibilities in communion with the other elders.

COMPENSTATION: This is a bi-vocational position which pays $36,000 annually. TLWC’s desire is to glorify God by building His church in California, MO. Our prayer is that the lead pastor position will eventually become fulltime and the compensation is substantially increased.

About The Living Word Church

CHURCH PROFILE: The Living Word Church is a gospel-centered, word-teaching church plant, approximately 1 ½ years old, in California, MO. Based on Hebrews 4:12 we seek to see and allow God’s Word to change us and guide us in living for Christ. In our discipleship and mission, the life-changing power of God’s Word is central. We see a day when hundreds of new people in the California area have repented of their sins, trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior, and are learning and submitting to God’s Word.


·       Broadly Reformed

·       Elder Led, Deacon Served

·       Complementarian

·       Expository Preaching

·       Intentional Fellowship

·       Contemporary Worship

·       Both Community and Learning Oriented Discipleship

·       Both Community and Internationally Focused Evangelism

COMMUNITY PROFILE: California, Mo is a small community in central Missouri about 20 miles west of Jefferson City, Missouri’s Capital. It is a rural farming community with much of the population employed in agriculture or with state government entities in Jefferson City. Although California is small with a population of about 4,500, it is a thriving and growing community experiencing some significant business growth over the last decade. It also has a significant unreached Latino community. It seems poised to continue being a prominent bedroom community for those working in the state capital.

TLWC’s MISSION: The Mission of The Living Word Church is to Glorify God by helping people learn God’s Word and find community.


·       Gospel Hope

·       Transformed Hearts

·       Real Relationships

·       Kingdom Advancement

Experience Required
Entry Level


Education Required
Some College

Date Posted
2 days ago
California, Missouri

Baptist: SBC

Church Size
0-100 people

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