Job Description

Seeking a Pastor for Mount Pleasant Evangelical Friends Church


Allow us to introduce ourselves. The Mount Pleasant Evangelical Friends Church is a historic church located in the Historic District of the Village of Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Our Friends/Quaker predecessors originally came to the area to escape eastern communities that had slavery and to establish (or found) the village in 1803. People in the church and the village made this an early center of abolitionist activity, as well as a well-known haven for fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad. Historically, the church also led the way for Friends moving west of the Alleghenies and provided some leadership in the revival of the Second Great Awakening in the United States. We continue to promote Christian education, ministry, and local/global missions in our desire to magnify the Lord’s name and to bless the people around us.

           The Mount Pleasant Evangelical Friends Church is a Bible-based and Christ-centered church. We stand uncompromisingly for the inspired Word of God and seek to:

  • Exalt the central figure of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, in life and worship,
  • Apply the unchanging principles of God’s Word to modern life, and
  • Bring others around us to faith and to discipleship as mature believers in Christ.

           As a church, we seek a pastor who will partner with us and lead us to fulfill those goals. Among the qualities that we believe will make for a successful pastorate here are these:

  • A devoted and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ,
  • A seminary education and some pastoral experience,
  • A desire to enjoy our setting and to work with our denominational partners,
  • A warmth of personality to which people will be drawn (privately and publicly),
  • A capacity to empathize with hurting people and a burden to help them,
  • A competence to lead the church and to some extent the community, and
  • A clear communicator for preaching the Word and casting a local vision.

If the Lord draws your heart to inquire further, please contact us via

About Mount Pleasant Evangelical Friends Church

We are seeking a pastor with a seminary education and some pastoral experience. Needs to have a warmth in personality that people will respond to well. The willingness to empathize to a hurting person, and have a love and a burden for people and their souls. The capability to understand and explain God's Word. A lead pastor should be a clear communicator and have the ability to engage people both in public and private. We want someone who can provide leadership and a vision for Mount Pleasant Friends Church. 

Experience Required
6 – 10 years


Education Required
Bachelor’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Mount Pleasant, Ohio

Evangelical Friends

Church Size

Social Media Accounts