Worship / Associate Pastor

Butter Valley Community Church

Job Description

Butter Valley Community Church in Bally, PA, is currently seeking a full-time Associate Pastor/ Worship Pastor. He will be under the direct supervision of the Lead Pastor. Our desire is to find a man who will join with us as we seek to honor and glorify God in this time and place that He has called us to - someone with a passion to see our church thrive and grow deeper in Christ, and to bring His light and hope to our local community.

Applicant Requirements

• A born-again believer in Jesus Christ

• Demonstrates a lifestyle consistent with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9

• Agrees with the Butter Valley Community Church Statement of Faith

• Ability to be a worship leader

• Proficiency with an instrument to lead worship

• Ability to work with chord charts and sheet music, developing arrangements as necessary

• Excellent interpersonal communication skills

• Passion and ability to teach the Word of God

• Administrative skills necessary to perform his duties

• Proficiency with computers and social media

• Proficiency with the use of technology in worship

• Leadership experience preferred

• Teachable spirit to grow as a person and as a leader

• Desire to foster a community of cooperation among ministry volunteers

• Strong team player and flexible spirit to assist where needed

• Intent to involve others in planning and decision-making

• Ability to balance ministry and family in his life

Position Responsibilities

• Coordinating, planning, and providing leadership and music for Sunday morning and other worship services as scheduled

• Selecting and arranging songs on a weekly basis

• Leading the music ministry volunteers on a weekly basis

• Coordinating the relevant media for the music team on a weekly basis

• Serving as a volunteer coordinator for the programs of the church by recruiting, training, organizing, and overseeing volunteers

• Helping to meet the administrative needs of the church office

• Meeting regularly with the Lead pastor to collaborate on church ministries

• Preaching sermons when arranged

About Butter Valley Community Church

Butter Valley Community Church (BVCC) is located in Bally, PA and is a vibrant and active fellowship established as Hereford Mennonite Church over 250 years ago as one of the first churches in the area. God is active and real in the lives of our members and God’s Spirit has brought them together into a unique, warm and authentic family. Our passion is to serve Christ in our community and to reach out to the world by connecting people to God and to each other.

BVCC is a member of the Alliance of Mennonite Evangelical Congregations (AMEC), but has a more non-denominational feel. The church has five elders that oversee the spiritual well-being of the church, along with six deacons and seven deaconesses that help meet the care-giving needs of the congregation.

There are about 170 members with an average of 130-140 attending on Sunday mornings. Worship style is a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary praise & worship. Sermons are exegetical in style, focusing on a specific book of the Bible. Sunday School classes for all ages are held before service. Services are live-streamed on YouTube.

Church activities beyond Sunday mornings include weekly youth group, monthly You Adults fellowship events, men's & women's Bible studies, small groups, volley ball, and a sewing group. The church runs the Bally Community Center, which provides weekly programming and outreach for grades 1-12. Annual summer events include VBS at the church, Kids Kamp at the local park, a four-concert series outdoors at the church. There are many other church fellowship events throughout the year.

Experience Required
1-5 years


Education Required
High School Diploma

Date Posted
6 days ago
Bally, Pennsylvania


Church Size
100-200 people

Social Media Accounts