REPORTS TO: Senior Pastor
OBJECTIVE / PURPOSE: The Director of Christian Education works in concert with Pastor and lay leadership of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
+ Must be open, affirming, and inclusive of all people.
+ The ability to lead youth in growing relationships to God, including having a decent understanding of Scripture, willingness to pray with others, and ability to plan and lead lessons.
+ The freedom to work evenings and weekends and accompany youth on trips.
+ Develops and implements with laity and youth a well-rounded Christian Education program (Discipleship, Mission, Nurture, Stewardship, Worship, and Leadership).
+ Plans and leads youth meetings throughout the year.
+ Develops a Christian Education Committee (adult and youth) to grow people as faithful disciples.
+ Equips people to interpret biblical texts and enact them.
+ Equips youth to be active participants and leaders in worship (acolytes, liturgists, ushers, etc).
+ Develops appropriate relationships with youth and their families.
+ Attends & reports to Admin Council meetings
+ Tracks and accounts for all income, spending, etc.
+ Develops yearly budget
+ Meets weekly with youth and carries our teaching, service projects, mission projects, fun activities.
+ Recruits adults as volunteers for teaching and trips as needed, and helps provide training as needed.
+ Successfully complete the Safe Gatherings certification (cost paid by Wesley UMC).
+ Meet with Pastor weekly to keep communication flowing
+ Attend worship and participate in worship leadership (occasionally address the congregation from the pulpit).
+ Under the guidance of Pastor, communicates in various formats to congregations, i.e. interacting with online congregation during live streams, emails, social media, monthly newsletter, bulletin announcements, and face-to-face.
+ Assists, as the Pastor directs, to meet pastoral care needs of the youth and their families.
And other responsibilities and functions as needed or requested by the Pastor.
Professional and Personal Development:
+ Practices Sabbath and spiritual discipline
+ Attends appropriate continuing education annually, in consultation with and approved by the SPRC and Pastor
Being Church for All People
Sunday Schedule
10:15 Worship Live Online @ Facebook and YouTube